Article Title: Wellness
works: community service health promotion groups led by occupationaltherapy students.
Brief Summary: During a Groups Process course,
occupational therapy students learned health promotion skills through working on personal wellness goals and leading
community based health promotion groups. The groups targeted topics such
as smoking cessation, improving diet, reducing stress through yoga, meditation,
tai chi chuan, ROM (Range of Motion) Dance, aerobics, and a variety of other
activities. Students monitored their own change process on
both their personal health lifestyle goals and their group leadership skills
while developing a richer appreciation of the dynamics of working for change
with clients in community and traditional settings. This experience was said to
have provided most students with a positive initial experience with group leadership as they
began to explore roles as agents for lifestyle and health change. Suggestions
for expanding health promotion roles in practice in the changing health care
environment are also examined
Critical reflection: Where
as this doesn’t highlight specifics about the group process in the sense of
terminology or theory, it does highlight a very valid and important part of the
group process; that we must be able to embody the lived experience of the
individuals in the group sessions that we lead. Now of course we wont always be
able to “walk in their shoes” however developing empathy and understanding can
be just as beneficial. We must put ourselves in the group as a member when
preparing to lead.
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